Sofla Aqua fitness
"Building Confident Swimmers"
How long will it take my child to learn to swim?
Each child learns at a different rate! A number of different factors come into play when learning how to swim such as comfort level, age, fears, and willingness to try new skills. Children with fears of the water, have been using flotation devices, or have never been exposed to the water will take a bit longer, since overcoming fears and learning proper body position is a must before learning how to swim. Consistency is key when learning how to swim and continuous, weekly lessons is the best way for skills to be retained. On average, we suggest committing to swim lessons for at least 6 months. Even if skills are learned, when lessons are stopped too soon, many children will regress, become fearful, or completely forget their skills.
My child is crying, are they not ready for swim lessons?
It is completely normal for children to cry when beginning swim lessons and has nothing to do with your child's "readiness". In fact, more often than not, this is the case. They are learning new skills that are unfamiliar, all while getting used to a new instructor away from mom and dad. Most children stop crying after a few weeks, but some do cry as long as a few months. The important thing to remember is that they are not in pain, danger, or becoming fearful of the water. This is simply just their way of expressing themselves! As instructors, we look for cues that they are still being interactive and learning such as playing with toys, giving high fives, clapping hands, and performing skills when given a cue. Even through the tears, children are still learning and absorbing information! Eventually the tears will subside, so stick with it! The reward of your child learning a life saving skill is worth it!
I am nervous to be in the pool with my child without floatation devices. Can I still use them?
Floatation devices should not be used, especially once swim lessons have begun. Life vests, puddle jumpers, water wings, etc. give the child a false sense of security, making it more likely that they will take more risks in and around water. Young children do not know the difference between swimming with vs. without them, causing those who cannot swim on their own to believe they can, which is a very confusing concept. It also inhibits correct body position being learned during swim lessons. To properly swim, one must swim horizontally with eyes in the water. Floatation devices keep the child's head above water in a vertical "drowning" position. To help your child remain safe, boundaries must be learned in the pool and pool rules must be enforced. For children who cannot swim, a parent must always be in the water with them, at least an arm's length away. Practice safe habits with your child, such as never entering a pool alone, waiting for an adult's cue to swim, practicing swimming next to a wall, or "monkey walks" for less advanced swimmers, or staying on steps. Coast Guard approved life jackets should be used only in open bodies of water only such as lakes and oceans.
What should I practice at home?
The best thing to practice at home with your child, are the same skills being learned in their swim lessons! Not only will the extra practice help make them more comfortable in the water, but it will also help to reinforce the skills they are learning with their instructor! Always feel free to ask your instructor for tips on what you should be practicing together. Children love showing off what they are learning!
Do you offer swim lesson packages?
No, we do not offer swim lesson packages. Our philosophy is that continuous, weekly swim lessons is truly the best way for your child to learn AND retain their swimming skills! We do not like to give the impression that after "x" number of swim lessons your child will be able to swim, since each child is different! We continuously monitor and gauge our swimmers' progress and will always let you know when they are safely swimming on their own and can handle a break from swim lessons without regression.